do i have kneeyewes, pronounced news, for you!
Recently something amazing happened to me.
Life changing.
well not really.
But 1st i will give a background...
Around a year ago i discovered something:

Ever since i've had a growing obsession...but anyways there is something to do with lush more exciting! They are hosting a game! A 'bloggers game'. They have chosen a lot of bloggers, including big .com names such as Londonbeautyqueen and Richie Nickel, and me! I am so lucky to have been chosen by Lush to participate. So basically the rules are, the selected people, pop into the Lush in Westfield one day this week and b4 hand drop in a quick email to the Lushwestfield email saying the date ur coming and the estimated time so you are treated as a PROPER VIP, and pick up a mystery bottle of Lush Perfume and test it out. Then we MUST write a review on our blogs guessing what it is and describing it then the winners get a free perfume of their choice! HOW AMAZING! i'm so excited, i am popping in tomoz with my sister and hoping for the most amazing treats whilst, i love all the staff there especially one called Chloe who is LOV-EL-LY, maybes she'll be in tomorrow.
But thats the BLOGGERS GAME i'm taking part in...
As i mentioned before, the lovely SA, Chloe explained to my sister and i about Lush Cocktails. Basically when you mix two products together in one bath :).....
And she showed us one called 'The Mermaids Tale' combo so basics this is MY wishlist....
Dreamtime Bath Melt + Twilight Bath Bomb
both lavender scents, but one being uber relaxing and the other being a fizz of muscle warming fun
Twilight Bath Bomb + French Kiss bubble bar
if you want lavender bubbles, this is the one!
Think Pink Bath Bomb + The Comforter Bubble Bar
if you love PINK then this is the one for u. a deep bubbly magenta might just pop up in ur bath
nowwwwww for 'The Mermaid's Tail':
Big Blue Bath Bomb + The Sunnyside Bubble Bar
this makes the water feel like butter on ur skin. The seaweed in big blue is sooo moisturising and it is a lovely teal colour and mixed with the shimmering glitter it is looked to described as a magical mermaids tail. I love it
anyways thats it for today, my next post should be a '15 Questions' post but besides from that ttyl and hows your week starting off, as you can tell mines going preeeeeeeeetty great...
XOXO Perdi
I really want to try that last combo!
ReplyDeleteahahahaa same!