Sunday, 25 September 2011

As I Went Down The Rabbit Whole...

Hola My Tulips,

I know, don't hate, i've had problems getting access to my computer...But whilst i have access to my blog today i shall abuse my time.....
For the past two weeks and a day i've been falling down the Alice-and-Wonderland-esque Rabbit Whole into a world of nothingness. Accept i do have phone access which allows me on twitter, facebook and a few other things but not blogger! Even the school computers have blocked it.. grrr....but i have noticed that i reached...

x 47 
can you believe it? 
Well i am planning a giveaway! But i don't know what to giveaway! i feel like choosing the winner....hmmm what do you think? Not Random.Org?  Also would you want me to giveaway a few mac products? orrrr the naked palette? or the new 50th or 15th Anniversary Palette? (both U.D) or Lush stuff? Or My favourite products? Please comment below! 
I'm gonna have a party in my bedroom now! 


Whilst jamming to the new Cher Lloyd song:
and the One Direction song:
The way i flip my hair gets Harry overrrrrrrrrrrrwhelmed hahahaahah....
ok now i've finished grooving.
ok not fully finished but oh well...

I'm gonna prewrite some posts now so i can schedule them to keep my blog going but come on lets get my blog to 200 followers then i can feel really good about my giveaway and giveaway more! how do you feel about that now........Please comment with ideas.....Should it be a theme? Maybe winter.......Or Pink! Or Glitter! 

Well that's me for now....
I shall have a post scheduled for tomorrow xxx
