Tuesday, 2 September 2014


I have so much explaining to do, but I don't think I'm able to do it! I've been inactive for around 5 months. Even though I have been lacking posting I've still been thinking about you all - from testing products for future reviews, planning posts, taking outfit photos and checking/answering/reading emails many times and let's not even get started on my twitter. I haven't forgotten about you, or given up. Since May I have had study leave, exams and summer! My exams were rough, my results even rougher! I will definitely do a post soon on school tips, from revision to binder organisation - maybe I'll even do it in a video! My summer was amazing, in my last post I mentioned my trips I was about to go on. Those trips have came and went and totally changed my life and I want to share my experiences with you all soon.
The reason I haven't been posting was because I was completely tired out, it was my first day back at school #seniors and I am even more tired but I thought if this is what stopped my blogging, I should stop complaining! I'm still too mentally exhausted, even with a five month break, to go back into posting three times a week but I promise I will get back into it slowly. I think we'll call 2014 WatermelonRaindropX's worst year yet content wise so far, but I'll try and fix it for the latter part of the year especially in honour of WMRDX's 3rd birthday.
I also would like to say a quick apology! I'm sorry to the few brands I've been working with over the past few months as I've not offered them the respect and services that I promised and what they expected and deserve. I'm really sorry and will try to make it up to you soon! 

I have so many exciting things to tell you, soon! 
Till next time,