Happy 2012 to yooouuu!
hey everyone,
Today i have for you a rather motivating post coming from Me and Ellis @ http://ellybellybaybee.blogspot.com/! Basically Ellis tweeted about her new years res' to be to lose weight and i said i want that to be mine to, till i realised yesterday i want my res' to be A Year Without Regrets! And i just wanted to lose weight....And Ellis and I have been tweeting over the past few days and people have been very helpful and sent us back tips and i think i have developed a diet and exercise plan which people will be able to do all around because we want everyone to be able to do the same thing, obviously with some modification due to like vegetarianism, allergies, work schedule etc..
I have school during the days so i can have lunch only between 12.30-1.30pm and usually dinner early evenings (cause school makes me hungry) due to my school times, and Elly is a fulltime mum to her beautiful baby daughter, Tehya Summer. So as you can see we both have very different schedules so we want everything to work with everybody...
So For Diet i was thinking of Low Carb, Low Cal and Low Sugar:
I have school during the days so i can have lunch only between 12.30-1.30pm and usually dinner early evenings (cause school makes me hungry) due to my school times, and Elly is a fulltime mum to her beautiful baby daughter, Tehya Summer. So as you can see we both have very different schedules so we want everything to work with everybody...
So For Diet i was thinking of Low Carb, Low Cal and Low Sugar:
Cut out: Substitutes:
- No bread - Tortilla wraps, Weatabix
- pasta - Shirataki noodles
- Potatoes -Couscous or Sweet potatoes
- Chewy sweets - Soft mints
- Sugar: (cake, syrups, cookies, biscuits, crisps, canned food) - Ice Lollies
Snack on:
- Fruit: Berries, Bananas, Grapes, Tangerines, 1/4 of MELON
- Raw nuts
- Raisins
- Diet Coke/Coke Zero
- Vegetables: Celery, Carrots, Sweet Corn, Cucumber
Natural Frozen Yoghurt (no sugary toppings)
Diet Rules:
- You are allowed ONE sweet treat a day, for example a KitKat or Frozen Yoghurt with one topping or a packet of wine gums etc...
- Only one portion of carbs a day MAXIMUM, preferably at lunch eg: a soup with a piece of bread. maximum. Or a salad with CROUTONS
- don't eat dinner after 8pm cause it takes a few hours for ur food to digest...
- Have a breakfast, i once heard a saying have breakfast like a King, Lunch like A Queen and Dinner like a pauper. My breakfast would consist of either a hand made fruit smoothie and maybe some raisins on the side or a bowl of Low carb high fibre cereal like one big weatabix
- Have red meat only twice a week, lean meat such as Turkey/Chicken/Fish are the best for you!
- Any carb you do have HAS to be wholegrain
For exercise i thought it should be a good balance of being able to do it at a gym and at home or doing everyday stuff.
Again peoples schedules might be all different, for me i finish school at 4pm and my gym is open to under16's 4 weekdays a week from 4-5, 5-6pm so obvs i can only go at 5pm but thats an awkward time cause i need to go from school to home (25minutes), get changed, grab a snack, go to the gym (10 minutes), sign in, get locker and be in the gym by 5 to have the full hour, bit hectic right? But on saturday mornings it is open 9-11, but thats waaay to early!
So i thought we should go to the gym two-three times a week and do like a set routine........
My idea was:
-Do all your arm workouts first and start off on the muscle ones,
I would do lets say 20-30kg and do 3sets of 10reps on all the arm ones on all the arm muscle ones you want such as Vertical Traction, Cross Shoulder Pull, Arm Crunch etc..
Then do arm biking! you could do this slowly or quickly or keep doing intervals of 1 minute bursts of adrenaline!
- Then i would give my arms a break, and do Total Abdominal, the 6-pack one! It exercises ur thighs and your whole abdominal and its quite easy, well its not too hard and i would be able to do around 100 reps of these but i would probably limit myself to 3sets of 20 at around 25-35kilos
- Since you have just exercised the front you need to exercise the back to balance it out otherwise you could get an injury, + who wouldn't want a back like Eva Longoria:
so i would do the lower back muscle machine and lift the same amount..
- I would then break from muscle machines and go straight into a bit of cardio such as the Cross Trainer/Elliptical Machine and exercise my arms and legs and a high impact pace!
- i would then do some LEG muscle work outs lifting 20-30kg and probs doing 1set of 20
- then do rowing for 10 minutes
- use the treadmill for 15-45 minutes, do bursts of running at high speed and then bursts of walkign at high gradient like walking up a hil!
- if i had extra time i would also do the wave board and the leg bicycle!
So that's the gym workout i think is adaptable to EVERYONE!
For other exercise i would suggest walking to work/school or do extra swimming or currently my sister is rollerskating a hell of a lot!
I would say also invest in a Wii Fit board, i love mine i have the Wii, Wii Fit and Wii Fit + and its great if ur not able to make it to the gym or just want to do that bit extra, i also got Just Dance 3 for xmas as a small gift! And i love it i already learn E.T - Katy Perry dance off by heart. And that is hard work! all the dances are!
This diet is open for all! One for all and All for one! BLOGGERS IF YOU WANT TO TAKE PART COMMENT BELOW, link your blog. Every sunday we shall all do an update post on our blog sayin how we have gone during the week and how much weight we have lost if wanted! If you don't have a blog and still want to take part comment down below if you want to take part and leave your email and i shall email all of you to explain what should if you want to take part and you still can!
I kind of want at least 10 bloggers taking part, including Elly and I! (Hi Elly!) All take part, its healthy and a great way to socialise with fellow bloggers so just comment down below and if you want to go and do that bit extra, go tweet me @PStollerX :D
Perdi @ WMRDX