100 Things

There's not much I can explain about this page? It's exactly what it says. Next to some of the goals there could be a  book, movie, celebrity or television show - these are where I got the idea from! 
1) Reach 1000 followers 
2) Go to London Fashion Week as a blogger
3) Learn to drive
4) Walk in a fashion show
5) Volunteer abroad
6) Go to China
7) Visit Thailand
8)  Visit Fiji
9) Tour Australia
10) Snowboard in Japan
11) Go to Budapest
12) Return to Paris
13) Return to New York
14) New Year's Eve in Times Square, New York
15) Visit Luxembourg
16) Go to Venice
17) Live in California for a summer
18) Visit San Francisco
19) Visit Chicago
20) Go on a road trip around Texas 'With This Heart' - R.S. Grey
21) Work on a crop farm: preferably in the southern states 'Drifting into Darkness' J.M. La Rocca
22) Visit the Philippines
23) Go to South America
24) Return to Italy
25) Become fluent in Italian
26) Have a vast shoe collection
27) Have a phone charger for more than four months
28) Have the perfect makeup storage
29) Go to Colorado 
30) See the Grand Canyon, Arizona
31) See the Northern Lights
32) Visit Iceland
33) Go scuba diving
34) Go to Rio
35) Shower in a waterfall
36) Go to Tomorrowland (festival)
37) Be an extra in a movie
38) Catch a fish
39) Spend a summer night just talking with friends
40) Visit Turkey
41) Win a giant prize at a fair
42) Spend a night stargazing 
43) Learn to surf
44) Go to a baseball game 'London Falling' - T.A. Foster
45) Have one night you will remember for the rest of your life
46) Go on a road trip with my friends
47) Drive and pick up my best friend up from boarding school
48) Skydive 
49) Visit Croatia
50) Stand on a stage in front of thousands of people
51) Go to Coachella
52) Audition for a reality show or contest 
53) Go to a masquerade ball
54) Visit the Dominican Republic
55) Work at a frozen yoghurt shop
56) Complete high/secondary school
57) Send a message in a bottle
58) Participate in a Colour Run
58) Carve my initials into a tree
59) Learn to be a bartender 'Shaken Not Stirred' - Alyssa Rose Ivy
60) Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia
61) Write and complete a university bucket list 'London Falling' - T.A. Foster

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