Good use of alliteration in the title, right? Well Sunday comes around again......and so does a lot of S-words. i've decided to plot out my like upcoming list and it kinda goes like this:
Saturday: 02/07:
Day - Shopping: Oxford Street: River Island, Primark, Toshop, New Look, H&M i am hoping to hit with my bestie (Jeanette - FB ME).
Evening/Night - A good friend of mine, Kyra's, leaving party and because she is moving to India (woah, huh?) it's indian themed, DIY SARI FOR MEEEEE
insert a bunch of random fun school trips, films in class, no homework and lessons dates here
Thursday: 07/07
/\ woah wasn't that the date for the london bombings? /\
Day - Breaking up for SUMMMMER
White Day
Afternoon - PARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, somewhere someone throw a party. be nice.
Friday: O8/07
Day - 2 friends pool party - my mother has packed all my swimwear stupidly for moving since we are moving on the 1st date of aug and apaz im not doing any swimming so swimwear shopping i goooo
thats basically all my plans but they involve clothes and shopping sooo here is what i have my eyes on, so less of a wish list and more of a i'm-getting-list since i have a chance of getting it....
Harley All Over Lace Ribbon Belted Playsuit - Boohoo
for 07/07 - White Day
White Ruffle Toe Post Sandals - Select
again for white day
Blood Red Dye
For the Sari, i;m turning a bedsheet into somethign speciaaal
this post was just a random keep-in-touch thing.......does anyone know where to get cute and cheap bikinis currently?