Hello my fantastic viewers,
After postponing it for days of me being lazy i have my 2nd 15 Questions Tag, featuring the LOVELY Sam from her amazing blog:

Well i send her my 15 Questions and she answered with incredible answers i think you will enjoy so lets get starteeeed....
1) When did you start blogging and what made you create one?
I remember stumbling upon a blog one day from googling something and I just really loved reading & seeing other people’s style, after month’s I decided to make one of my own- it was also a way to make myself better- I was diagnosed with CFS at the same time so found blogging made me feel better in a way because I was writing about thing’s I love, I really enjoy it!
2) Name some of your favourite blogs and/or youtubes?
3) When you're not blogging what do you get up to?
I’m usually bargain hunting somewhere, I travel around to charity shop’s, bootsales & antique shop’s & buying new clothes, I absolutely love finding thing’s, if I’m not though I’m usually doing a d.i.y or down the seafront, i sound like quite a boring teenager ha!
4) What is your favourite makeup brand, are you able to limit it down to one?
ooh that’s a hard one, I discovered mac last year which sound’s quite silly but i don't have a counter near me so I quite love mac at the moment, but I’ll always love Maybelline, collection 2000 and l’oreal and a few other brand's.
gotta say i do love a bit of Collection 2K, especially their mascaras!
5) What is your Holy Grail/Favourite beauty product you've ever owned?
I think it’d have to be my studio finish concealer from Mac, it cover’s my dark circles well and it’s lasted me ages so i don't mind spending a little more!
6) If you could only wear one piece of makeup for the rest of your life, what would it be?
hmm, either concealer or mascara!
7) What has been your biggest splurge on makeup?
I think the most I’ve spent is when I brought my studio finish concealer, I nearly brought chanel vitalumiere aqua the other day but I think I’d feel a bit guilty spending £31 on foundation…
funny you mention it, i looked into vitalumiere aqua the other day and i found it kind of weird consistency, especially for the price i look for the best of the best.
8) If you could go anywhere, it doesn't have to be a specific shop - it can be anything to a place, mall or shop, to go clothes shopping where/what would it be?
I’d go to Bluewater shopping centre, it’s sort of a pain to get to so I only go there once every so often but it’s the closest place for a mac counter, urban outfitter’s, laura mercier etc, my local shopping centre doesn’t have them so I love going there haha!
9) What is your favourite clothing store?
I love topshop but I also love new look, they have some really nice thing’s in there at the moment.
10) Do you have a favourite piece of clothing?
I do, I absolutely love my topshop jean’s- I have quite wide thigh’s & I’m short so I struggle to find decent skinny jean’s, topshop is the only shop that fit me perfectly, I’ve been buying them since I was 14 and would most probably cry if they ever stopped selling them!
11) Has there been a piece of clothing that you've seen on a tv show or on a red carpet you'd kill to have?
I love this dress dita wore ages ago, i think she’s so beautiful and I often love a lot of what she wear’s

12) If you could have anybody's style whose would it be? Could be from a tv show OR real life?
I do love dita’s I love the 40’s-50’s look and she often looks quite classic, I also love apair-andaspare’s style- she always’s look’s so lovely in her outfit’s & even made a great skirt from a rug! I’d love to have her style- her blog photo’s are beautiful!

13) What has been your favourite fashion and makeup trend, from this season or in general?
coral/pink lipstick!
aaah i have suddenly fallen in love with pink lipstick due to my Girl Crush on Leighton Meester where i saw a picture of her with gorgeous eye makeup and crushing pink lips, thik baby pink with an icy overtone
14) If you could go anywhere on holiday right now where would it be?
Italy, spain or America!
15) Last but not least, what is your favourite Song for this summer?
I’ve been listening to example’s “stay awake” a lot lately, example’s great for them summer tunes! ;)
Now for the beauty behind the blog:

may i thank you again Sam for this amazing post and question answers and now i'm interested in my own 'Rug Skirt' hahaha....Any others want to do '15 Questions:'? email me at wmrdx@yahoo.co.uk, i do have a post on Dip Dye's coming up so stay intune!
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