Ciao Blogosphere,
Finally FRIDAY IS HERE! It's friday friday gotta get down on friday or even better LAST FRIDAY NIGHT... OK moving on from listing random songs with the word friday in...I felt like doing a post but cdn't chose what to do so i just have a bunch of things to say....
Well on wednesday it was meant to be my Sports Day but it was raining and it was cold so it was cancelled luckily my mother was there and took my sisters and i home as soon as they announced the cancellation THANK GOD it cancelled just before my race - i was meant to do the 400m relay and run 100m of it but looking at the actual 100m race it looked sooo long especially for a not so good at running gal like me especially in the rain soo glad i didn't have to run..
Since i was in shorts and a short sleeved t-shirt and in the wind and rain i caught an illness or summin.....That morning i didnt feel soo good but as soon as i was back in my bedroom i fell straight asleep - IT WAS AT LIKE 1PM I NEVER SLEEP DURING THE DAY unless sick, so my mum worked out i must be getting a cold...I have also thrown up a few times and i can't swallow food and can only just drink through a straw ITS HORRIBLE. i hate being ill! - don't we all? I stayed home from school yesterday and today hopefully back on monday but that means i didn't get my end of year results as early as possible which would of been yesterday. But i feel so ill!!!!!!! Practically all i've drank is Ginger Ale since it neutralises the acid in your stomach somethin like dat but since my sister loves it she drank the rest of it, i did let her, so my mother is out now buying some Lucozade. movving on.....
I chose my 'White Day' outfit, 'White Day''s official name is Annual Gathering where form reps and a few certain years and parents have to wear white and listen to this long speech by the headmistress. I am not a form rep but my best friend and good friend (Jeanette and Gabi - linked to their blogs) are for my class but in another class in my year the deputy form rep can't go so i asked to fill in SO I CAN GO!!!!! Yay-ish, i do have to stay at school and listen to a speech on my last day of the school year but it gives me and excuse to buy a new outfit :)....The conditions for the outfit must be white plain or white with a white pattern, pale shoes, white accessories if needed, cover most of your shoulders and look i think i chose my outfit but i haven't ordered it yet:
White Ruffle Toe Post Sandals - £12
Select Fashion

Harley All Over Lace Ribbon Belted Playsuit - £20
i <3 that playsuit...It's so me, lace, playsuit, bow! It's perfect!
Well that's all i have for now,
Perdi @ wmrdx
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